ISSN (online) : 2256-358X | ISSN (print) 0121-3628
Estudios de Filosofía is a journal edited by the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Antioquia. It is an international open access electronic publication, governed by the double anonymous arbitration system. It circulates semiannually on an ordinary basis. Since its founding in 1990, Philosophy Studies has been conceived as a specialized medium for the promotion and dissemination of research work in all fields of philosophy, both by Colombian researchers and members of the international philosophical community. The magazine accepts articles in Spanish and English.
- Format: oline
- Periodicity: biannual
- Peer review: double blind
- Rejection rate: 70%
- Authors are not charged for article processing (APC)
- This journal offers its content in open access through the license Creative Commons: BY NC SA

Current Issue
No. 71 (2025): January-June
Full Issue
Original or Research articles
Helen’s argumentative coherence and the didactic element of Gorgias’ rhetoric
|Abstract = 330 veces | PDF = 70 veces| -
Blaise Pascal: Politics as a différance of God’s will
|Abstract = 234 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL) (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 0 veces| | PDF (ENGLISH) = 39 veces| -
Language of shock and present experience: Benjamin as a reader of Baudelaire
|Abstract = 237 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL) (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 0 veces| | PDF (ENGLISH) = 49 veces| -
The philosophical expression of Walter Benjamin and María Zambrano: between poets and prophets of a forgotten past.
|Abstract = 241 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 80 veces| -
The two political faces of Janus. A proposal for a justification of the relationship between consensus and conflict in deliberative democracy
|Abstract = 150 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 56 veces| -
Ontología, historia y epistemología en la teoría de los ensamblajes
|Abstract = 328 veces | HTML (ENGLISH) = 0 veces| | PDF (ESPAÑOL) (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 59 veces| -
Jean-Luc Nancy, ontological communism and the revolution of the spirit
|Abstract = 173 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 16 veces| -
Language and social groups. Some remarks on the intentional program in social ontology
|Abstract = 129 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 39 veces| -
Byung-Chul Han Goes to the Movies: Phenomenology of Relations with the World in Der Himmel über Berlin (1987)
|Abstract = 265 veces | HTML (ESPAÑOL) (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 0 veces| | PDF (ENGLISH) = 48 veces|
Responsivity and co-responsivity from a phenomenological perspective
|Abstract = 223 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 61 veces|
Book Review
López-Pellisa, Teresa. (2015). Patologías de la realidad virtual: Cibercultura y ciencia ficción. Fondo de Cultura Económica
|Abstract = 228 veces | PDF (ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA)) = 28 veces| -
Review of Puddifoot, K. (2021). How Stereotypes Deceive Us. Oxford University Press. 214 p.
|Abstract = 309 veces | PDF = 35 veces|