A discussion with Pablo Melogno on Kuhn’s semantic commitments: an inflationary or deflationary interpretation?





Pablo Melogno, Prescriptive Theories of Meaning, Cluster Descriptive Theory, Meaning, Referent


Pablo Melogno's thought has profoundly influenced scholars of Kuhnian philosophy in Latin America, thanks to his meticulous archaeological analysis of Kuhn's unpublished works. From this analysis, he aims to unveil the semantic commitments of the author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Among the abundant literature that Melogno leaves us as an intellectual legacy, one work stands out not only for its rigor but also for the provocative nature of its arguments. I refer to “Towards a Genealogy of Thomas Kuhn’s Semantics” (2023), co-authored with Giri. In this work, the authors argue that Kuhn, in his early texts, defends a semantic commitment to the descriptive theory of the cluster. Since I believe this is an inflationary interpretation, in this article I will propose a deflationary interpretation. I argue that, while Kuhn may have anticipated some of the claims of the cluster theory, the true purpose of the Lowell Lectures has a destructive semantic character, focusing on formal—or prescriptive—theories of meaning.


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Author Biography

Daian-Tatiana Florez-Quintero, Universidad de Caldas-Universidad Nacional de Colombia

es Doctora en Filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Es profesora Titular de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, -Sede Manizales-adscrita al Departamento de Ciencias Humanas y profesora asociada de la Universidad de Caldas donde actualmente se desempeña como directora del Departamento de Filosofía. Sus áreas de investigación son la filosofía de la ciencia y la filosofía de la tecnología. En este último dominio, ha adelantado valiosas reflexiones sobre algunos problemas epistemológicos históricamente descuidados y ha logrado destacarse en el estudio de los problemas semánticos en tecnología. Entre sus más recientes publicaciones se destaca el capítulo de libro titulado “Semantic Change in the Language of technology” con el sello editorial de The Oxford University Press. También publicó en el 2024, con el sello editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, el libro La naturaleza del conocimiento tecnológico. Actualmente es Visiting Fellow en The Center for Philosophy of Science en la Universidad de Pittsburgh.


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How to Cite

Florez-Quintero, D.-T. (2024). A discussion with Pablo Melogno on Kuhn’s semantic commitments: an inflationary or deflationary interpretation?. Estudios De Filosofía. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ef.356659



Science, Theory Change and Incommensurability
