Power, Stratus and subjections: micropolitics in Colonial times





power, statements, Political Subjections, elites, layers


Emphasis is laid in this essay on the fact that the Historical Perspective of Foucault`s Mechanisms of Power serve to question the social processes that are at the base of the segmentations that operate within the Antioqueñan Community during Colonial Times. The hypothesis is that the Political Subjections of New Granada cannot only can be marked by means of the differentiation between “dominant elites” and “native slaves”, but that, rather, it is necessary to consider a horizontal distribution originated in economic, parental and legal differentiations. The first part of the essay shows that social differentiations in colonial times suppose an economic juncture related to the changes in the relations between the exchange of gold and its extraction. The second part establishes how System of Subjections and hierarchies are constituted by the genealogical ties of each individual. Following this, the ‘blanquedo’ is described as a legal form that has a powerful influence in the Antioqueñan community. Finally, in the conclusions, there is an account of the Political Subjection of Antioquia in terms of the processes of exclusion and inclusion.

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Author Biography

Sebastián Alejandro González Montero, Universidad Colegio Mayor Nuestra Señora del Rosario

Grupo de Investigación Estudios sobre Identidad
Uniersidad Colegio Mayor Nuestra Señora del Rosario
Bogotá, Colombia


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How to Cite

González Montero, S. A. (2008). Power, Stratus and subjections: micropolitics in Colonial times. Estudios De Filosofía, (37), 61–83. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ef.12723

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