The only way to learn


  • David Miller Universidad de Warwick



Logic, Hume, Popper, Darwin, Evolutionist Epistemology, Skepticism, Empirism, experience


It is often held that, although Hume was right about the logical invalidity of induction, nonetheless we do learn by induction. Logically speaking our theories may be hypotheses, or conjectures, but psychologically they are generalizations that are suggested by, and even grounded in, our experience. Hume himself believed this. In opposition to this commonsense view of how we learn, Karl Popper maintained that induction is as psychologically bankrupt as it is logically bankrupt. Our knowledge is not based on experience. It consists of unsubstantiated conjectures, which experience may be called upon to refute. The growth of knowledge is not a process of instruction by the environment, but a Darwinian process of ‘blind variation and selective retention’. This topic can of course be treated empirically — though not by me. In this lecture I wish to examine some of Popper’s logical arguments against the possibility of induction as the way we learn, and to the conclusion that the method of trial and error is unavoidable. I shall, in particular, look at his claim that there is close kinship between Darwinism, both organic and philosophical, and what is called ‘situational logic’. It is my purpose to defend the view that, although highly indeterministic, evolutionary factors play a greater role in intellectual and cultural growth than it is now fashionable to admit. Evolution is not exclusively a matter of survival and reproduction.

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Author Biography

David Miller, Universidad de Warwick

Departamento de Filosofía
Universidad de Warwick
Warwick, Inglaterra


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____________. Out of Error. Aldershot & Burlington VT, Ashgate, 2006.

____________. Darwinism is the Application of Situational Logic to the State of Ignorance. En: Jarvie I. C., Milford K. M., & Miller D. W. (eds.). Karl Popper: A Centenary Assessment Science. Volumen 3. Aldershot & Burlington VT, Ashgate, 2006, pp. 155-162.

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____________ . Popper’s Darwinism. En: Jarvie I. C., Milford K. M., & Miller D. W. (eds.). Karl Popper: A Centenary Assessment Science. Volumen 3. Aldershot & Burlington VT, Ashgate, 2006, pp. 131–141.

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____________. Conjectures and Refutations. The Growth of Scientific Knowledge. Routledge & Kegan Paul, Londres, 1963 (5a edición 1989). Hay traducción española de Néstor Migues: Conjeturas y refutaciones. Paidós, Barcelona & Buenos Aires, 1967.

____________. Objective Knowledge. An Evolutionary Approach. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1972 (2a edición 1979). Hay traducción española de Carlos Solís Santos: Conocimiento objetivo. Tecnos, Madrid, 1974.

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___________.Quantum Theory & the Schismin Phyisics. Vol 3 of Post script to the Logic of Scientific Discovery, Hutchinson, London, 1982.

____________. Realism and the Aim of Science. Vol 1 of Postscript to The Logic of Scientific Discovery. Hutchinson, Londres, 1983. Hay traducción española de Marta Sansigre Vidal: Realismo y el objetivo de la ciencia. Tecnos, Madrid, 1985.

____________. A World of Propensities. Thoemmes Press, Bristol, 1990.

____________. Knowledge and the Body–Mind Problem. Routledge, Londres, 1994. Hay traducción española de Olga Domínguez Scheidereiter: El cuerpo y la mente. Paidós, Barcelona, 1997.

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____________. Popper and Darwinism. En: O’ Hear, A.(comp.).KarlPopper: Philosophy and Problems. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge & otras ciudades, 1995, pp. 191-206. DOI:



How to Cite

Miller, D. (2007). The only way to learn. Estudios De Filosofía, (36), 25–39.



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