Newton and the “Pipes of Pan”


  • James E. McGuire Universidad de Pittsburg
  • Piyo M. Rattansi Imperial College



Newton, gravity, ancient wisdom, Hermeticism, classical Scholia


This paper brake significant new ground arguing that Newton’s thinking is rooted in Hermeticism and the tradition of ancient wisdom. It uses, for the first time, important manuscripts that attest to Newton’s involvement in ancient wisdom. This is material that he seriously considered adding to the Third Book of the Principia i.e., the argument for universal gravitation.

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Author Biography

James E. McGuire, Universidad de Pittsburg

Universidad Pittsburg


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How to Cite

McGuire, J. E., & Rattansi, P. M. (2007). Newton and the “Pipes of Pan”. Estudios De Filosofía, (35), 149–187.