Newton on the Net: First and Prospective Fruits of a Royal Society Grant


  • Rob Iliffe The Newton Project
  • John Young Imperial College



Isaac Newton, electronic resources, manuscripts, Newton Project


An actually Newtonian complete Opera omnia has been a long enterprise ever dreamed but due to the manuscript dispersion, volume and the complexity of the content this goal has been very difficult to be attained. This article shows how the Newton Project, launched in 1998, has purposed to ful fill this gap, integrating the research on Newton, his thought, context and an active interrogation on software engineering to produce a reliable output of the manuscripts first in digital format and later in printed one.

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How to Cite

Iliffe, R., & Young, J. (2007). Newton on the Net: First and Prospective Fruits of a Royal Society Grant. Estudios De Filosofía, (35), 298–304.



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