Justice, morality and power in the global context


  • Rainer Forst Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universidad




global justice, human rights, poverty, dominance


Throught this reflection on the theories of Global Justice, the author introduces a normative basis for Realist and Critical Theory. He considers that certain moral proposals about the problems of severe poverty and underdevelopment are lacking in normative foundations which they need to focus on. This is so since they consider institutional, economical, and political realities of injustices in a global context The author introduces the rational principle of justification in order to establish the normative basis ofa Realist and Critical Theory.

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Author Biography

Rainer Forst, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universidad

Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universidad de Frankfurt am Main. Alemania


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How to Cite

Forst, R. (2006). Justice, morality and power in the global context. Estudios De Filosofía, (33), 9–18. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ef.12819



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