Nietzsche and Buero Vallejo The Apollonian and the Dionysian in the tragedy In the burning darkness


  • Nicolás Naranjo Boza Universidad de Antioquia



Nietizsche, Antonio Buero Vallejo, The birth of tragedy, Apollo, Anaximander, Dionysus


The thought of Friedrich Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy is briefly recounted, particularly what pertains to the gods Apollo and Dionysus. Artistic contents in the play In the Burning Darkness (En la ardiente oscuridad) are analyzed to explain how the world vision that is displayed in the first published book of the philosopher appears in this piece by the Spaniard. The roads that enabled Buero Vallejo to know his work are traced, and, in this sense, Miguel de Unamuno is granted a fundamental role. The analysis includes a thorough search of what Aristotle terms the evolution of the plot, its complication, and denouement in Buero Vallejo's work, bearing in mind the main characters. The theme of divine justice, as expressed by the Pre-Sacratic philosopher Anaximander, is also brought into the essay to explain the presence of the divinities, as understood by Nietzsche, in the play. An explanation of how a philosophy is given form In a play meant to be represented is given.

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Author Biography

Nicolás Naranjo Boza, Universidad de Antioquia

Universidad de Antioquia


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How to Cite

Naranjo Boza, N. (2006). Nietzsche and Buero Vallejo The Apollonian and the Dionysian in the tragedy In the burning darkness. Estudios De Filosofía, (33), 161–180.



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