Three Parables on Religious Violence, Tolerance and Pluralism


  • Ángelo Papacchini Universidad del Valle



religiuos violence, tolerance, pluralism, respect


Timor Domini initium sapientiae (Prov. 17). Less optimistic about the beneficial effects of fear, a number of illustrious philosophers and thinkers - from Epicurus to Hume, Feuerbach, and Freud - have endeavored to free men from this atavistic dread of divinity. And it must be recognized that this therapeutic work seems to have achieved its goal. On the other hand, the fear of those who continue to appeal to the gods to legitimize all kinds of violent practices has not diminished. There are the murderers who spread terror by appealing to a divine mandate, or those who respond to these threats with crusades of undeniable religious flavor. The upsurge in violence associated with religious beliefs or convictions would seem to justify the position of those who prefer to assimilate religion with dynamite, rather than with the opium of the peoples.

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Author Biography

Ángelo Papacchini, Universidad del Valle

Universidad del Valle



How to Cite

Papacchini, Ángelo. (2008). Three Parables on Religious Violence, Tolerance and Pluralism. Estudios De Filosofía, 49–75.