Human rights: pluralism, migration and miscegenation


  • Javier Sábada Universidad Complutense de Madrid



pluralism, human rights, terriroy, miscegenation, migration


Let's start with the rights. I will not dwell on the glassy problem of its foundation. I will only assume, and somewhat dogmatically, that there are two extreme conceptions that seem untenable to me. One is the one that affirms, in ancient tradition, natural rights. The other, more up-to-date, reduces them to something purely factual, positive. The former make the mistake of confusing the conventions that humans voluntarily create in the realm of culture with the regularities that, in fact, occur in the realm of nature. And the latter eliminate an essential aspect of human rationality: the criticism and modification of that which is not sufficiently justified. In our day, the language of rights has spread in such a way that it covers everything, thus bordering on almost ridiculous. [Fragment]

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Author Biography

Javier Sábada, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Universidad Complutense de Madrid



How to Cite

Sábada, J. (2008). Human rights: pluralism, migration and miscegenation. Estudios De Filosofía, 337–345.