Husserl on Teleology and Theology


  • Roberto J. Walton Universidad de Buenos Aires



Metaphysics, Facticity, Rationality, Constitution, Hyletics, Axiology, Idealization.


Husserl contends that Metaphysics is a science of facts and connects the problem of God to the analysis of the Teleological Rationality pertaining to Facticity. The article analyzes four interpretations that lay emphasis on the relationship between Contingency and Necessity in the process of constitution (J. G. Hart), the significance of Hyletics (A. Ales Bello), the problem of God´s Phenomenality and its connection with Axiological Increase (E. Housset), and the problems relating to the idea of God as a guarantee for the attainment of harmony in the Community of Monads (K. Held). The purpose is to underline the complementarity of a philosophico-argumentative way and a religious-experiential way in the access to God, and to deal with the objection that Husserl’s theory implies an idealization that would conceal the world of life.

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Author Biography

Roberto J. Walton, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Universidad de Santafé
Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Argentina


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How to Cite

Walton, R. J. (2012). Husserl on Teleology and Theology. Estudios De Filosofía, (45), 81–103.