Ontologic relativism, language models and language games


  • Germán Guerrero Pino Universidad del Valle




ontological relativity, language, Quine, van Fraassen


This paper focuses on the arguments of van Fraassen against Quine's thesis of ontological relativity. First, the grounds of Quine's thesis are reviewed and van Fraassen's critique to it, together wit its scope and limitations, are shown. Van Fraassen's semantic approach is also considered. Finally, his main critique, according to which the alleged mistake of analysis of language in the line of Quine is that no distinction is made between formal languages and language games, is studied.

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How to Cite

Guerrero Pino, G. (2002). Ontologic relativism, language models and language games. Estudios De Filosofía, (25), 93–113. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ef.14991



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