The concept of techne in Homer




Homer, technique, knowledge, Iliad, Odyssey.


This article seeks to demonstrate that the concept of technique in the Homeric poems, the Iliad and Odyssey, does not refer exclusively to an intellectual attribute. The thesis here is that the concept, as developed by Homer, points to a perception that is of a tangible or intellectual order and that allows for the development of the subject in a situational environment. In the Homeric poems, the development of the text is a review of the forms of appearance of the concept so as to isolate its essential meaning: first in the Iliad, then in the Odyssey, and finally, in the relationship that this concept maintains with the notion of knowledge.

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Author Biography

Germán Carvajal Ahumada, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Facultad de Educación
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
Bogotá, Colombia


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How to Cite

Carvajal Ahumada, G. (2014). The concept of techne in Homer. Estudios De Filosofía, (49), 67–86.



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