The body as interface between theoretical and practical law in Fichte’s theory of 1796/1797


  • Héctor Oscar Arrese Igor Universidad Pedagógica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires



Fichte, body, recognition, otherness, right, state, egoism


In this paper, I try to test the consistency of the chtean theory of the natural right. I do this by comparing the kind of intersubjectivity that the body implies to that which can be deduced from the theory of the state, as it is based on the moral-psychological presupposition of the universal egoism.

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Author Biography

Héctor Oscar Arrese Igor, Universidad Pedagógica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

Comisión Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas-CONICET, Buenos Aires, República Argentina


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How to Cite

Arrese Igor, H. O. (2014). The body as interface between theoretical and practical law in Fichte’s theory of 1796/1797. Estudios De Filosofía, (50), 87–102.



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