The distinction between act and movement in Metaphysics IX 6


  • Trinidad Avaria Decombe Universidad de los Andes



act, movement, passage, activity, metaphysics


The distinction between act and movement stated in Metaphysics IX 6, 1048b18–35, has been the subject of a major controversy among contemporary interpreters. In this article I defend that the distinction does not conflict with the rest of book IX, nor with the Corpus Aristotelicum in general. Indeed, the distinction also appears in Nicomachean Ethics X 4 and in De Anima III 7. Furthermore, without this distinction the immobility of the first mover defended in Metaphysics XII would be unintelligible, since Aristotle says that the first mover is life, and that his activity is pleasure and thinking.

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Author Biography

Trinidad Avaria Decombe, Universidad de los Andes

Centro de Estudios Generales, Instituto de Filosofía, Universidad de los Andes. Santiago, Chile E–mail:


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How to Cite

Avaria Decombe, T. (2015). The distinction between act and movement in Metaphysics IX 6. Estudios De Filosofía, (51), 87–108.



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