What does "to life your life" mean?


  • Ursula Wolf Freie Universität Berlin
  • Rosa Helena Santos-Ihlau Universidad Libre de Berlín




Phllosophy, meaning of life, Parlit, Wollheim


Two important reflections on the meaning of living one's life and its implications have emerged from the framework of philosophical research stemming from tbe English-speaking world. Interestingly enough, this very same philosophical tradition has tended to skip over the question of the constitution of human being owing to the metaphysical nature of such an issue. Within this framework on the one hand we have Parfit's Reason and Persons and on the other Richard Wollheim's The Thread of Life. The aim of this essay is to lay out a critical reflection on both texts, since the issues raised therein do not rnanage to surpass the speculative grasp of existentialist philosophical tradition concerning the question on life and its implications. A critical reading of both essays is put forward in this text and in addition an attempt is made to unveil both the limitations of a merely speculative reflection when facing up to the question on human life which would justify its truth value without being forced to fall back on phenomenical description and equally to unveil the limits of such reflection that seeks to impose a mould on phenomena in the light of a given theory that may be considered plausible. It is from this theoretical framework or springboard that a conception of philosophy and its role as speculative reflection on the question about the good life is laid out.

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How to Cite

Wolf, U., & Santos-Ihlau, R. H. (1995). What does "to life your life" mean?. Estudios De Filosofía, (11), 199–220. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ef.338800