Róbson Ramos dos Reis (2022). Child cancer, suffering and transformation. A phenomenological essay. Rio de Janeiro: Via Verita 2022, 176 p.





Pathological phenomenology, Existential suffering, Naturalized Phenomenology


The author presents an essay in the field of pathological phenomenology from a naturalized approach to phenomenology through various phenomenological research methodologies. Taking into account the rule of mutual illumination, the conceptualization of the structure of the childhood cancer experience is put into dialogue with empirical research. The concepts of existential suffering and transformational experience involved in the illness experience are analyzed and the dynamic modal structure of the illness process is addressed. A position of ontological pluralism is adopted, differentiating the ways of being from organic processes and existential processes. The essay explains its limitations and scope, proposing its continuation with research on the dynamics of existential feelings to account for the structure of modal processes.

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How to Cite

Laregina, A. (2024). Róbson Ramos dos Reis (2022). Child cancer, suffering and transformation. A phenomenological essay. Rio de Janeiro: Via Verita 2022, 176 p. Estudios De Filosofía, (70), 225–230. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ef.355335