Metaphors matter: Unraveling three essential propositions




Metaphors, Public Health, Medical Anthropology, Symbolic Violence, Illness


This article delves into the significance and role of metaphors in shaping knowledge, perceptions, and decisions within the healthcare domain. Through a critical analysis of their impact, particularly in the dynamics between healthcare professionals and patients, three dimensions are proposed for unraveling their significance: the political dimension views metaphors as agents of power and tools for legitimizing inequalities; the cultural dimension sees them as cultural residues challenging prevailing biomedical knowledge; and the ethical dimension raises questions about the moral implications of the constructed narratives. This holistic approach aims to enhance our understanding of the intricate interplay between language, cognition, and disease, ultimately advocating for more comprehensive approaches in healthcare.

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Author Biography

Diego Meza, Pontificia Università Gregoriana

Diego MEZA is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He holds a PhD in Social Sciences with a work on alcohol consumption in the indigenous reservation of Gran Cumbal in Colombia. His research focuses on how inequality, history and politics are embodied in everyday life. His other research interests include new Catholic movements in Latin America, political participation and social suffering. His last article is: The Colombian diaspora: an emerging democratic and electoral force (2023) and La vérité sur soi-même : les pédagogies de conversion et les nouveaux mouvements religieux catholiques en Amérique latine (2022)

Address: Piazza della Pilotta, 4, 00187 Rome, Italy.



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How to Cite

Meza, D. (2024). Metaphors matter: Unraveling three essential propositions. Estudios De Filosofía, (70), 77–99.