Aliseda, A., Calderón, C. M. y Villanueva, M. (2022) Filosofía de la medicina: discusiones y aportaciones desde México. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas.




Philosophy of medicine, Health Sciences, epidemiology, disease


In this anthology of works, the reader is offered an interdisciplinary dialogue under the rubric of a philosophy of medicine. The preparation of this work has been possible thanks to the versatile contributions that the Seminar on Epistemology of Health Sciences (SECS) welcomed in its transversal program: where it was about articulating what we have been calling a philosophy of medicine in concrete and a philosophy of health sciences in general. With the purpose of placing the philosophy of medicine within the set of fields that can be assigned to the health sciences, this anthology is divided into four blocks in which it appears: the thematic horizon of the philosophy of medicine, an analysis exhaustive on the methodological approach in the health sciences, the state of the art on the debates surrounding the definition of the disease and the detailed study of the assumptions of the biomedical model. In this first block: Filosofía de la medicina: estado del arte, the task of answering a series of questions that allows delimiting the map of this field of research with respect to others. What makes the philosophy of medicine an autonomous field of research? What is the set of problems that the philosophy of medicine addresses? What subfields currently make up this discipline? The second block that makes up this anthology begins with the study of the epistemology and methodology of health sciences. Atocha Aliseda, Rodrigo Itzamna Fuentes and Fernanda Samaniego will carry out in their works a tentative, but methodologically suggestive task, of highlighting specific cognitive activities for solving problems in clinical terrain. Sobre la caracterización de enfermedad: disfunción biológica y sobrediagnóstico is the title of our third block; where Mariana Salcedo and Adriana Murguía analyze the different debates that have arisen about the concept - so elusive - of illness. The fourth and final block is divided between the works of Marcia Villanueva, David Fajardo-Chica and David Servín Hernández, in which it will meditate on dehumanization in the practice of medicine, suffering at the end of life and the practice clinic in the current biomedical model.

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Aliseda, A., Calderón, C. M. y Villanueva, M. (2022) Filosofía de la medicina: discusiones y aportaciones desde México. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas. URL:

Murphy, D. (2020) "Philosophy of Psychiatry", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2020 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <>.

Solomon, M.; Simon, J. R. y Kincaid, H. (2017) The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Medicine, Routledge, Hampshire.

Swiatczak, B. y Tauber, A. (2020) "Philosophy of Immunology", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2020 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL : <>.



How to Cite

Guzmán-Janeiro, A. (2024). Aliseda, A., Calderón, C. M. y Villanueva, M. (2022) Filosofía de la medicina: discusiones y aportaciones desde México. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas. Estudios De Filosofía, (70), 231–237.