The Human Community (polis) as a Condition of Freedom in the Aristotelian Ethics


  • Juliana Acosta Lopez de Mesa Southern Illinois University



Freedom, Aristotle, Ethics, Human Community, Education


This article synthesizes part of my research on the conditions of possibility for freedom in the Aristotelian Ethics. In this opportunity, I want to underscore what I have called “the political condition of human freedom.” I claim that in order to talk about a free human being in a strict sense the human community plays an essential role, this against the philosophical tradition that favors an individualistic kind of freedom or those who privilege negative freedom as the main role of the State. Thus, I will use the Aristotelian philosophy in order to establish a dialog that allows us to deal with the subject of freedom from the perspective of our current concerns.

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Author Biography

Juliana Acosta Lopez de Mesa, Southern Illinois University

M.A. in Philosophy at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, United States, 2011. Teaching assistant Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, United States.


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How to Cite

Acosta Lopez de Mesa, J. (2012). The Human Community (polis) as a Condition of Freedom in the Aristotelian Ethics. Estudios Políticos, (41), 189–199.



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