Domination and Social Division: The Sense of Republicanism in the Machiavelli of Claude Lefort


  • Graciela Ferras University of Buenos Aires



Republicanism, Machiavelli, Social Division, Lefort, Claude, Domination


This article reflects on the meaning of the republicanism of Machiavelli from the reading of Claude Lefort, from a hermeneutical approach that permits the establishment of a lively dialogue between classical political and contemporary political thought. The objective is to establish a genealogy of political theory that maintains focus on the aporetic essence of the political. In this case, around the question: how is it possible that conflict —the insoluble struggle between men— is a source of social cohesion? It questions the foundations of the constitution of political order. The article discovers that the Machiavellian moment is signed by the affirmation that only through conflict are individuals and groups placed inside a common world. To this end, we reflect on the theoretical thesis of Lefort, who finds in the Florentine thinker a theory of conflict as a possibility for the establishment of the society and, therefore, politics. This approach allows us to think about politics as an agonistic field and therefore, cleared from all teaching of tradition.

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Author Biography

Graciela Ferras, University of Buenos Aires

B.A. in Political Science. M.A. in Social Sciences. PhD. in Social Sciences and PhD. in Philosophy. Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences and researcher at the Gino Germani Institute, University of Buenos Aires. Director of the UBACyT project "The national identity in dispute: tensions and affiliations between the liberal tradition, the democratic tradition and the Argentine nationalisms during the first half of the 20th century". Professor of History of Argentine and Latin American Political Thought, University of Salvador, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Ferras, G. (2013). Domination and Social Division: The Sense of Republicanism in the Machiavelli of Claude Lefort. Estudios Políticos, (43), 58–75.



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