Border Deterritorialization and Externalization of Migration Policies. Irregular Migration Flows and Control of External Borders to the Spain-Morocco Border
International Migration, Migration Policy, Border Security, Spain-Morocco BorderAbstract
Studies on the role of borders in international migration processes indicate a political turnaround and new policies: the transformation experienced by territorial boundaries of states as immigration control mechanisms. This transformation occurs through processes of border deterritorialization at the same time that the externalization of migration policies take place. Both processes are channeled through cooperation and control practices and policies on border management and migration control especially on illegal ones. The aforementioned, in a global securitization context, has turned the relation between migrations and borders in a new conflict hypothesis. By reviewing the relevant academic literature and policy, the article describes and analyzes policies and practices defined by the European Union and its member states, in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ), and its implementation in the Spain-Morocco border, which is a strategic place in the Southern European Migration Subsystem due to its proximity with the South Mediterranean, North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa.
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