The Role of the Actor Network in Food and Nutrition Security Policies in the Region of Urabá, Antioquia in 2013
Social Actors, Food and Nutrition Security, Social Participation, Public PoliciesAbstract
This is a cross sectional study with the aim of building a participatory mapping of actors involved in the formulation of policies for food and nutrition security (FNS) in Urabá, Antioquia, Colombia. In order to do this, we have created an instrument to characterize the social actors in the eleven municipalities of the region. We analyzed the data using SPSS 20.0 and UCINET 6 software. The study involved 152 public, private and community actors in the local and national spheres. This allowed identifying social networks with their respective cohesions and fragmentations according to the dynamics into the studied context. The principal activities developed by the actors regarding the food and nutrition fields were education, promotion of food rights, and participation in programs for vulnerable populations. The study concludes that identifying the actors and resources evidenced the existence of agents interested in getting FNS for this region; however, it is required to intervene the networks so that the interaction is strengthened in order to promote collective and articulated participation in the processes of construction of public policies on FNS.
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