Chile Presidential Elections of 2017. How Many Indigenous People Vote and For Whom?
Elections, Political Participation, Political Behaviour, Indigenous Vote, ChileAbstract
This study addresses the electoral behavior of indigenous people in contemporary Chile —a specific but relevant sector of society. It considers two dimensions: attendance to vote (electoral participation) and voting ideological preference (electoral preferences). One the one hand, it addresses the socio–demographic factors that may explain electoral participation and preference from a quantitative stand. On the other hand, it proposes a diachronic electoral analysis in the 15 municipalities that have more that 50% of indigenous population. The study concludes that the interaction between poverty and high indigenous population correlates both with participation and electoral preference. Also, a detailed communal analysis shows a great difference in their historical development, in which the relevance of the electoral history, the type of election citizens are facing, and the establishment of the voluntary system of voting play an important role.
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