Book Review. Smith, Molly & Mac, Juno. (2018). Revolting Prostitutes. The Fight for Sex Worker’s Rights. New York and London: Verso. Subtitle: In its own name. The struggle for the decriminalization of sex work.




Prostitution, Sex Work, Criminalization, Legalization, Decriminalization


The text introduces the main arguments developed by Molly Smith and Juno Mac against the legalization and criminalization of sex work —whetherr it is partial, total, or the nordic model— and in favor of decriminalization. The main thesis put forth by the authors is that only the last model guarantees labor rights for sex workers. Even though they might overstate the positive impact of legislative change towards decriminalization, the authors present convincing arguments, especially when they urge the public to think about sex work not through what it may symbolize, but from the standpoint of the material outcome it has over those who engage in it.

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Author Biography

Laura María Uribe Forero

Political scientist. Master in Political Studies.


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How to Cite

Uribe Forero, L. M. (2020). Book Review. Smith, Molly & Mac, Juno. (2018). Revolting Prostitutes. The Fight for Sex Worker’s Rights. New York and London: Verso. Subtitle: In its own name. The struggle for the decriminalization of sex work. Estudios Políticos, (58), 286–292.