Queer on Movement. Tensions, Strategies and Contradictions in the Emergence of the Homosexual Liberation Movement in Colombia, 1975-1990
Social Movements, Homosexuality, Sexual Dissidence, Identity, Political Subjectivities, ColombiaAbstract
This article explores the first fifteen years of the so-called Homosexual Liberation Movement (HLM) in Colombia, aiming to understand its political and cultural strategies of action, as well as its tensions and contradictions in the face of the historical/cultural challenges of a society with strong anchors in Christian sexual morality. The article is part of the trend of studies of sexual and gender dissidences, which starts from appraising the subjectivity and the abject experiences and trajectories of dissident subjects, questioning the establishment of the hegemonies of heterosexuality and homonormativity, for which, as part of the research process, interviews in depth were carried out, as well as a bibliographic and documentary review, which particularly included the rescue of personal documents from León Zuleta and the magazines Ventana Gay and De Ambiente, sources rarely used in historical investigations about sexual and gender dissidences, which provided fundamental information on the practices of the nascent movement and the own dynamics of those who were beginning to publicly recognize themselves as homosexuals or gays.
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