Possibilities and Risks of Narrative in International Relations and Political Science
International Relations, Political Science, Political Theory, Epistemology, Research, ComplexityAbstract
The article intervenes in the international conversation about the possibilities and limitations of narrative writing in international relations and political science. Concretely, it proposes a theoretical comparison between “fortress writing” and “narrative voice”. The first corresponds to the style of thinking and writing that has dominated these disciplines. Instead, we show that the narrative voice constitutes an opportunity to problematize and loosen the most constrictive features of fortress writing. The text does not propose the generalized adoption of narrative writing —an unviable and even undesirable project— but suggests that, when successful, narrative expands possibilities for research and reflection, enabling less “bellicose” ways of producing knowledge. Thus, narratives open a breathing space in academia. However, as with any intellectual approach, narrative writing entails some risks. Instead of engaging on common critiques, already dealt with by the literature, the essay explores three risks that threaten narrative to become another type of fortress writing: the attachment to innocence, the attachment to trauma, and the moralizing denial of complexity.
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