The Necropolitical Process of Forced Migration. A Conceptualization of Refuge Production and Management in the 21st Century
political theory, forced migration, asylum, extractivism, necropolitics, refugees international regimeAbstract
The article presents the theory of the necropolitical process of forced migration, which refers to the set of policies, laws, institutions, political discourses and legal and illegal markets aimed at producing profit from death and the displacement of people. This occurs in a legal context in which the devastation of habitats is legal but mobility is a crime. The necropolitical process of forced migration is based on the progressive construction of bureaucratic apparatuses, discourses, policies and strategies that guarantee that poor and racialized people cease to be an obstacle to extractivist capitalism and hyperconsumption. These devices use political and criminal terror to kill the communities that oppose them and let those who survive and manage to move in search of international protection or a livable habitat die.
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