Political Participation in a Violence Reduction Context. The Case of the Victims of the Armed Conflict in Colombia (2011, 2016 and 2018)
Political Behavior, Political Participation, Victims, Violence, Armed Conflict, Post-ConflictAbstract
In different contexts it has been possible to establish that exposure to violence during a civil war influences the political participation of individuals. This investigation questions whether, due to the period of reduction of violence during the peace process in Colombia, there was a relationship between having been affected by the violence derived from the armed conflict and political participation. Based on the Americas Barometer surveys of 2011, 2016 and 2018, an analysis of how the individual impact of violence influences electoral participation (voting in presidential elections) and non‑electoral participation (attendance at town councils and public protest) was conducted. It is possible to point out that, in a period of reduced violence, there is a positive relationship between being affected by violence and non‑electoral participation mechanisms, which is why participation mechanisms that build collective visions and guarantee local claims have greater relevance for people affected by war.
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