The Scope of Inter-Institutional Coordination in Colombia. An Analytical Inventory of CONPES Documents, 1993-2015
Public Administration, Public Policies, Interinstitutional Coordination, Collaborative Responses, Wicked Problems, ColombiaAbstract
Coherent and coordinated government action is a challenge for public administration as well as for the academy because of the public problems and institutional settings conditioning the shaping of effective strategies for collaborative response. This challenge is not foreign to Colombia, and multiple strategies have been developed for this purpose, which are grouped under the generic label of interinstitutional coordination mechanisms. This paper analyzes these interinstitutional coordination schemes as mechanisms that enable, on the contrary, restrict a collaborative response from the moment of policy formulation. Empirically, the paper studies a sample of national social CONPES documents between 1993 and 2015. Analytically, it considers the scope of their inter-institutional configuration in terms of inclusiveness, commonality and institutional adjustment. The results suggest that, with few exceptions, the design of the collaborative response expresses more of a pretense than a reality. The results provide several avenues for a research agenda and possible arrangements for institutional change in this area.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Patricia Herrera-Kit, Alejandro Balanzó-Guzmán, María José Mateus Grandas, Juan José Cortés Niño
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