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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1). Submission letter signed by all authors stating that:
    - The manuscript is unpublished, not having been submitted for publication concurrently. (Download form in Instructions for Authors)
    - All authors meet the four authorship criteria according to ICMJE: "A) .- Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work. b) .- Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content. c) .- Final approval of the version to be published. d). Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.”
    -Declarations of funding, conflicts of interest, responsibility and acknowledgments.
    -b) Details of each of the authors: full names - no abbreviations of the first name, basic academic level and last approved academic level, current institutional affiliation, country of residence, e-mail address, ORCID (if you do not have one, you must register at c) Explain if the manuscript was derived from another work, including the complete reference where the original and differentiated contribution to be published can be corroborated (thesis, graduate work, conference, congress).
  • 2). File of the manuscript in MsWord ® without a record of the authors or mention of them in the body of the paper, omitting acknowledgments and the above-mentioned declarations.
  • 3). File with the tables and figures in their original form and included in the text
  • 4). The paper adequately manages paraphrasing (explanation or qualifying interpretation of a text to illustrate it or make it clearer or more intelligible), avoids plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and includes references to all in-text citations
  • 5). Each author must fill out the information requested in the form called Author Information, after completing this submission. (Fill in Instructions for authors)

Author Guidelines

Check the following:

Compliance with the requirements for the preparation and submission of manuscripts using a checklist, according to the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). More information at:

Download the checklist in pdf document

Registration and login are required to submit and track the status of manuscripts. Go to Login for an existing account or Register a new account.

Follow the steps on the platform. For more information, see the guide to submitting manuscripts.

Forms and documents:

a) Author Information
b) Submission letter



This takes into account:

  • Relevance and importance of the topic in public health
  • Scientific quality, originality, topicality and timeliness of the information
  • Interest beyond the place of origin
  • Compliance with the rules on research with human subjects and on animal experimentation
  • Coherence of the proposed method.

The Editorial Committee reserves the right to reject articles it deems not appropriate for publication. The response time between receipt of the article and acceptance for evaluation is one week.

The response time between the start of the editorial process and the decision of whether or not to continue peer review is two weeks.

The evaluation of the manuscript is governed by the system of triple anonymous arbitration (neither the Editorial Committee nor the reviewers know the identity of the authors).

The Editorial Committee makes the decision to accept the manuscript, to request modifications or to reject it based on the reviewers' feedback.

If one reviewer rejects the article and the other does not, the Editorial Committee decides whether to request a third reviewer or to make the decision based on the detailed analysis of the manuscript and the reviewers' feedback.

See more details in Instructions for Reviewers

The Editorial Committee verifies the authors’ explanation and adjustments made based on each of the reviewers' observations. If the authors disagree with any of the recommendations, they should explain the reasons in detail.

The Editorial Committee may ask the authors to change clarifications or adjustments that were not sufficiently detailed. The Editorial Committee reserves the right not to publish a manuscript if the authors do not respond to the requests made.

Adjustments resulting from recommendations in the evaluation process should be uploaded to the OJS platform. They should not be sent by email.

Before publication, the text of the approved manuscript is corrected.

The role of the proofreader is to help the author’s interactive communicative objective, which begins with the publication of his or her paper, achieve the quality of a publishable text, in a demanding and critical environment.

Authors must completely correct the text. The Editorial Committee may ask the authors to change clarifications or adjustments that were not sufficiently completed in the correction.

The corrected manuscript file must be uploaded to the OJS platform. It should not be sent by email.

Authors will be asked to prepare a short text on the main meaning of the article, to be disseminated to the general public and decision-makers, as well as to contribute to the dissemination of their work with their peers and contacts..

Authors are encouraged to disseminate their published article in alternative media (social, academic, etc.). This will allow greater visibility and consultation

Types of articles


Document that presents detailed original and unpublished research results. The structure used contains five sections: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions


For perspectives, debates, reflection on educational experiences or based on practice

Revisión sistemática

Document resulting from completed research where the results of published or unpublished research in a scientific or technological field are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for progress and trends in development. Only systematic reviews that follow PRISMA guidelines will be considered. (See link:

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses provided for this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other person.