The right to health: the need for rethinking social rights


  • Antonio Yepes Universidad de Antioquia



Health-illness, integral focus approach, social exclusion, social rights, social insertion, and direct tribute


The need to deepen in the analysis about the conception, of the health-illness phenomenon in your environment is posed. The methodological conception based on the Cartesian orientation and Newtonian orientation that rules the traditional scientific activity is criticized, because it has fragmented life, comm
unity, the person, and for sure Medicine in hundred and thousands of subsystems. An integral approach is proposed beginning in the study of totality , in which relations among the constitutive elements are analyzed and their contribution to the essence or nucleus of the structure; so the elements derive their meaning from
the role that they fulfill for the whole. Social rights are proposed to be thought over again, emphasicing to need of previously guarantee the right to the social insertion. And integration between economic and the social facts becomes necessary, so it is posed to overcome the insurance model, which has been applied starting from the validity of the 100 law of 1993, directly conditioned affected by the neo liberal orientation of our economic plan that has originated massive unemployment, underemployment, and a rise in the informal economy; reflected in a marked social exclusion, because of the direct tribute that guarantees the universal basic attention.
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How to Cite

Yepes A. The right to health: the need for rethinking social rights. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2012 Nov. 2 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];17(1). Available from:


