Description of Migration Processes in Almeria-Spain and its Impact on Mental Health


  • Alexandra M. Ríos M. University of Granada
  • Lina M. Hernández L. Union Institute and University



social determinants, gender, migration, mental health


Objective: Understand the relationship between migration and mental health, through the analysis of the social determinants of health that are associated with the mental health of immigrant groups that subsist in precarious situations in the province of Almería, Spain. Methodology: Ethnographic Research, concentrated on participant observation and discourse analysis, where data collection was conducted in two stages: 1) Participant observation in the different associations of immigrants living in the province; 2) Focus groups with immigrants from the following countries: Colombia, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Morocco, Nigeria, Romania and Senegal. Results: The migration process involves a high level of stress that has implications for the mental health of migrants, exacerbated by situations of social inequality within the host society. Different immigrant groups identified gender, race / ethnicity, social class, social support and health system, as social determinants to be taken into account in the analysis of mental health. Discussion: Mental Health is one of the elements to consider when analyzing the health of immigrant populations. The analysis should challenge the development of new social and public health policies within this group.
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Author Biographies

Alexandra M. Ríos M., University of Granada

Degree in Psychology, Master in Migration from the University of Granada, Spain. PhD student at the Faculty of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Granada. Spain.

Lina M. Hernández L., Union Institute and University

Degree in Psychology, Master of Social Work, Marywood University, Scranton Pennsylvania. PhD Student in Clinical Psychology from Union Institute and University, Brattleboro, Vermont. United States.


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How to Cite

Ríos M. AM, Hernández L. LM. Description of Migration Processes in Almeria-Spain and its Impact on Mental Health. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2015 Mar. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];32(S1):S67-S77. Available from: