Promotion of Mental Health Through the Development of Human Agency and Empowerment: Intrapersonal Approach


  • Ana L. Banda C. University of Sonora
  • Miguel A. Morales Z. University of Sonora
  • Ramona Flores V. University of Sonora
  • Ana C. Vanegas L. University of Sonora



human agency, component of intrapersonal empowerment, mental health, psychological empowerment


Objective: This work aims to identify the variables associated with agency and empowerment, as well as the relation between both. Methodology: In this empirical study was applied a questionnaire of 71 items in a sample of 113 inhabitants of the city of Hermosillo, Sonora. The structural process modeling was used. Results: It was possible to corroborate the hypothetical approaches, individual negative self-esteem, collective negative self-esteem and self-criticism integrate human agency. Positive and negative empowerment and sociopolitical control are variables that integrate psychological empowerment. The link between human agency, empowerment arises. Discussion: Conceptually, human agency defined as exercising control of the individual causes an internal impact and empowerment causes an external impact, this study highlights their interdependence. Empowerment represents a mediating process that influences the quality of life and some other processes such as human development or social development. These processes in turn, involve the performance of individuals and the environments in which they live as family, community, education or work. Conclusions: Human agency and empowerment can generate physical health, mental health, human development and general welfare.
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Author Biographies

Ana L. Banda C., University of Sonora

Doctor of Social Sciences. University of Sonora. Mexico. 

Miguel A. Morales Z., University of Sonora

Doctor of Administration Sciences. Professor, University of Sonora. Director of INPAE. Mexico.

Ramona Flores V., University of Sonora

Doctor in Social Sciences. University of Sonora. Mexico.

Ana C. Vanegas L., University of Sonora

Master in Foreign Trade and Finance. University of Sonora. Mexico.


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How to Cite

Banda C. AL, Morales Z. MA, Flores V. R, Vanegas L. AC. Promotion of Mental Health Through the Development of Human Agency and Empowerment: Intrapersonal Approach. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2015 Mar. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];32(S1):S161-S169. Available from: