Alternative perspectives of quality of prenatal care in Chihuahua, Mexico


  • Lourdes Camarena Autonomous University of Baja California
  • Christine V. Glascoe College of the Northern Border



quality of prenatal care, prenatal care, cognitive anthropology, México


Objective: this article describes the process and results of a research on the quality of prenatal care from the perspective of pregnant women who use the principal subsystems of the Mexican healthcare system in the city of Chihuahua, Mexico. Methodology: the field of cognitive anthropology was adopted using techniques that reveal the organization of concepts of quality in prenatal care based on pregnant women’s knowledge and experience, in terms of where they decided to seek care. Results: aspects of care quality assumed as satisfiers that are important to women when they seek prenatal care in different healthcare institutions are presented. These women prefer to obtain full information from their healthcare providers about how to take care of themselves during their pregnancy, and, additionally, they also wish to be treated in a kind way showing respect and interest in their emotions and feelings on the part of the physicians. They also criticize the condition of the hospitals and the lack of medicines that were supposed to be provided. The methods that were utilized are considered to contribute to the improvement of quality in prenatal service and, furthermore, to optimizing the continuity of care for pregnant women.
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How to Cite

Camarena L, Glascoe CV. Alternative perspectives of quality of prenatal care in Chihuahua, Mexico. Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública [Internet]. 2008 Oct. 23 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];25(1):1-10. Available from:


