Contraceptive Methods and Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Historical and Sex-generic Perspective
contraceptives, gender, sexually transmitted infections, condoms, prevention of communicable diseases, sexual and reproductive healthAbstract
Both birth control and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have been the major concerns of mankind regarding the exercise of sexuality. Currently, these two issues are framed within what is known as "sexual and reproductive health", a right undeniably linked to the quality of life of individuals. However, for some population groups or communities, access to this right has not been equitable. Therefore, the objective of the article has been to review, from a historical perspective, the different responses to these issues, considering the sex or gender differences established around these matters. As far as contraception is concerned, coitus interruptus has been the most widely used method, but most of the methods described were developed for women. In relation to STIs, the male condom was, for a long period, the only method of prevention available worldwide. Towards the end of the 20th century, alternatives were offered for people with vulva, although there is no specific method for use in non-coital sexual practices at the present time.
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