Medical hegemonic model’s impact on sexual violence victims’ healthcare: secondary victimization notion on doctors’ narratives
Sexual Violence, Medical Education, Gender, Right to health, Secondary victimizationAbstract
Objective: Recognize doctors’ secondary victimization meanings and practices while attending sexual violence victims at emergency services.
Methodology: Based on a social-critical postmodern paradigm, I conducted qualitative research with an ethnographic approach, a collective case design between February 2020 to December 2021. Medical doctors with sexual violence care experience at emergency services and healthcare managers participated at two hospitals in Medellin, Colombia. Two institutional itineraries, two ethnographic interviews to healthcare managers and ten doctors, and a reflexive gathering were realized.
Results: Most doctors recognized secondary victimization as an action on their beliefs and practices. On the contrary, doctors occasionally recognized secondary victimization as a neglect. These situations took place frequently when the victim was a teenager, African Colombian, low income, sex workers, among others what could the related with the expression of sociocultural and political elements like patriarchy, reinforced by medical hegemonic model that confers a privileged position to the medical campus and habitus and a subordinated position to women and girls.
Conclusion: Secondary victimization is a current problem that occurs everyday life while attending sexual violence victims and the mechanisms of their occurrence are not completely acknowledge by doctors. Identifying them could be the first step to generate our praxis transformation towards comprehensive care.
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