Health reform in the 21st century: knowledge dispute and planned ignorance in the era of digital acceleration and collapse of bioethics
university education in health, hyperneoliberalism, strategic ignorance, epistemic justice, neoextractivism, digital thinking, artificial intelligence, health reformAbstract
The greatest paradox of human society in the 21st century is the dizzying acceleration of unbridled neo-extractivism, and the collapse of the principles and values that make healthy living possible. This is aggravated in current times, paradoxically, when humanity reaches the highest thresholds of knowledge and technology. The exponential and parallel growth of the private accumulation of wealth, along with the reproduction of profound inequality, is now taking place even in unprecedented spaces and dimensions of hyper-neoliberal accumulation, within a civilization guided by greed. The consequences in the field of planetary health are devastating. In this era, human knowledge and accelerated digital thinking—misnamed “artificial intelligence”—instead of strongly promoting the emancipatory uses of technologies, are generating increasingly dangerous productive systems, distorting the potential of science and distancing universities from a fight for so-called “epistemic justice”, in the complex task of overcoming biased scientific knowledge that feeds strategic ignorance and blocks academic reform.
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