Contrastation as a method of comprehension: a study on scientific rationalitY


  • Juan David Londoño Isaza University of Antioquia
  • Jorge Antonio Mejía Escobar University of Antioquia


communication, comprehension as a method contrastation, scientific rationality, freedom


This paper aims to explain what it means to be rational for Feyearabend, and how such quality does not correspond with the history of science nor with Mill's argument according to which science is not assisted "by the method", but through several paths that, instead of truncating its success, make the odds of success higher. Thus, we will follow Feyerabend's suggestion according to which the contrastation (of rationality and irracionality, in this case) allows for a better knowledge of the most important elements of theories.

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Author Biographies

Juan David Londoño Isaza, University of Antioquia

Master in Philosophy, University of Antioquia. Research professor and undergraduate coordinator in Journalism, Universidad de Antioquia. Member of the Journalism Studies Group - GEP.

Jorge Antonio Mejía Escobar, University of Antioquia

Phd. in Philosophy. Professor at the University of Antioquia, Institute of Philosophy.



How to Cite

Londoño Isaza, J. D., & Mejía Escobar, J. A. (2018). Contrastation as a method of comprehension: a study on scientific rationalitY. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (35-36). Retrieved from



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