Talks to the sound of the radio


  • Nubia Amparo Mesa Granda Luis Amigó University Foundation, University of Antioquia


radio, community radio, participation, hearings


Article Talk to the sound of the radio is the product of Research for Under-standing Audiences Community Radio Corporation in Medellín by la Corpo-ración Simón Bolivar, La Asociación Palco and la Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó. How the inhabitants of Medellín are appropriated to the radio in their varios contexts? This was the starting point for knowing listeners expectations and formulate proposals on community radio that privileges knowledge, experiences and perceptions of recipients, and understands how critical subjects.The text recognizes that radio is an important tool for social activism. The dialogue initiated by the participants in the discussion groups, become input to understand their relationship with the radio.

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Author Biography

Nubia Amparo Mesa Granda, Luis Amigó University Foundation, University of Antioquia

Specialist in University Research Teaching from the Luis Amigó University Foundation and Social Communicator- journalist from the University of Antioquia. Full-time professor at FUNLAM. Radio and television producer for 25 years.


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How to Cite

Mesa Granda, N. A. (2014). Talks to the sound of the radio. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (29), 95–111. Retrieved from


