Significant experiences of learning with young people, the sense of the mass media and the new technologies in local contexts


  • Cesar Augusto Tapias Hernández Luis Amigó University Foundation


audiovisual training, meaningful learning experiences, teaching strategies, production processes, social change communication


Audiovisual training processes seen as meaningful learning experiences are those that involve addition to the specific contents of the area concerned, the daily experiences of the participants, allowing them to adjust the new knowledge to their life plans, making movies and processes production, tools to try to resolve some of the problems that afflict them as social stigmas. The results of the analyzed experiences, demonstrate the importance of these practices of teaching and learning where participants form rather than as filmmakers, as individuals with the capacity to problematize and reflect their environments to their communities gaining public recognition as mediators, it that gives his films social validity, not just aesthetics.

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Author Biography

Cesar Augusto Tapias Hernández, Luis Amigó University Foundation

Sociologist University of Antioquia. Magister in Social Anthropology National University of Colombia, Medellín Headquarters. (2008). Research professor at the Luis Amigó University Foundation, FUNLAM. Director of the Pasolini Corporation in Medellín.


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How to Cite

Tapias Hernández, C. A. (2014). Significant experiences of learning with young people, the sense of the mass media and the new technologies in local contexts. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (29), 157–175. Retrieved from


