The misadventures of memory and the benefits of forgetting.The amnesic remembrance of colombian cinema


  • Carlos Fernando Alvarado Duque University of Manizales


memory, forgetting, storytelling, cinema, nation


This article presents a reflection about the tension between memory and forgetting within the colombian cinema. Its interest, following the work of Paul Ricoeur and Marc Augé, is to propose that memory claim  different  forget’s  strategies  to  shape  human  experience.  Of  this form, the film doesn’t work as a story of the past, a place to remember other times, but as a device that determines the present. Memory and forgetting confront on the screen to make the troubled history of a nation understands its own current condition. The films, object of analysis (1960-2010), illustrate the need to remember and the right of the Colombian people to forget.

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Author Biography

Carlos Fernando Alvarado Duque, University of Manizales

Social communicator and journalist from the University of Manizales; Professional in Philosophy and Letters from the University of Caldas; Aesthetics Specialist from the National University; Magister in Philosophy from the University of Caldas; Candidate for a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Antioquia. Associate professor at the University of Manizales, attached to the Social Communication and Journalism Program. Member of the Communication Research Group.


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How to Cite

Alvarado Duque, C. F. . (2014). The misadventures of memory and the benefits of forgetting.The amnesic remembrance of colombian cinema. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (30), 57–74. Retrieved from


