Callejones: Life stories that connect the city. A view from its communication networks


  • María Isabel Gómez Ruiz University of Antioquia


communication plots, journalism, communities, city streets, alleyways, Picachito


This article explores and makes visible the ways in which the people of  Picachito,  that  neighborhood  in  the  6th  commune  of  Medellin,  build  the  city.  To  do  this,  Callejones  focuses  on  bring  to  life  and  describe the communication plots inside the Alleyways of Granada and  La  Minita.  The  communication  plots,  like  the  framework  of  historical,  economical,  political  and  economical  networks  that  connect  persons,  or  the  environment  and  events  across  cultural  meanings  and  simbolic  interpretations;  translate  in  civil  rights,  like  the  human  right  of  belonging  to  the  city.  Alleyways  are  the  quintesential  part  of  the  slums  of  Medellín;  there  is  where  the  life  stories,  filled  with  survival  and  daily  actions,  form  the  simbolic construction of the street. The previous findings, the communication plots of the communities allow us to understand Medellín as it has been woved from the citizen experiences of living.

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Author Biography

María Isabel Gómez Ruiz, University of Antioquia



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How to Cite

Gómez Ruiz, M. I. (2016). Callejones: Life stories that connect the city. A view from its communication networks. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (31), 135–150. Retrieved from


