Epistemologia do sensível na cultura contemporânea: estruturas de sentimento na compreensão da interface jornalismo/entretenimento


  • Ana Luiza Coiro Moraes Cásper Líbero Faculty


communication, comprehension as a method, strategies of the sensitive, culture, journalism, entertainment


This paper aims to articulate the cultural hypothesis of "structures of feeling", proposed by Williams, together with the "method of comprehension" (Künsch) and what Muniz Sodré has named "strategies of the sensitive". In order to articulate such concepts, this article analizes two periods of technological expansion that had great impact on journalism (the Industrial Revolution and the contemporary microelectronics revolution) and then reaches the conclusion that structures of felling with an entertainment appeal are equally present in both periods. Palabras clave: Comunicación, la comprensión como método, estrategias de lo sensible, cultura, periodismo, ocio.

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Author Biography

Ana Luiza Coiro Moraes, Cásper Líbero Faculty

Doctor in Social Communication from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Rio Grande do Sul (PUC / RS). Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Communication at the Cásper Líbero Faculty.



How to Cite

Coiro Moraes, A. L. (2018). Epistemologia do sensível na cultura contemporânea: estruturas de sentimento na compreensão da interface jornalismo/entretenimento. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (35-36), 15–26. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/folios/article/view/330828



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