O ato de compreender na consulta mediúnica: um diálogo ensaístico entre guia, médium e consulente no terreiro de umbanda


  • Rodrigo Volponi Cásper Líbero College, Rio Branco Integrated Colleges
  • Roberto Chiachiri Methodist University of São Paulo


communication, comprehension, comprehension as a method, Umbanda


This  text  has  its  theoretical  and  experiential  grounds  in  inspirations  gathered from studies on narrative and essay, on the complexity thinking and the notions of inter-, trans- and indisciplinarity. With higher strength the authors find support in the studies of comprehension as a method, to which the world of symbols and imaginary is as valuable and worthy as  science  as  a  human  attempt  to  read  and  understand  the  world,  in  order to prepare this essay on Umbanda in Brazil. Speaking of method, the authors let themselves to go with the flow of the liberties permitted and  provoked  by  the  essay  form,  thus  uniting  theory  and  experience.  Thus, the essay-text harmonizes with the life-text in the production of a possible dialogue, funded in mutual respect and admiration.

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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Volponi, Cásper Líbero College, Rio Branco Integrated Colleges

Master in Communication from Faculdade Cásper Líbero, Graduated in Social Communication with specialization in Journalism from Rio Branco Integrated Schools.

Roberto Chiachiri, Methodist University of São Paulo

Doctor and Master in Communication and Semiotics from the Pontifical. Professor of the Post-Graduate Program in Social Communication at the Methodist University of São Paulo and holder of the UNESCO/Methodist Chair in Communication.


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How to Cite

Volponi, R., & Chiachiri, R. (2019). O ato de compreender na consulta mediúnica: um diálogo ensaístico entre guia, médium e consulente no terreiro de umbanda. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (40), 179–194. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/folios/article/view/338486


