“Learning to learn” in Nursing Higher Education


  • Carolina González-Hernando RN, Ph.D. Professor Universidad de Valladolid UVa, Spain. email: carolgh@enf.uva.es.
  • Miguel Ángel Carbonero- Martín Psychologist, Ph.D. Professor UVa, Spain. email: carboner@psi.uva.es.
  • Fernando Lara-Ortega Degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences, Ph.D. Professor, Universidad de Burgos, Spain. email: flara@ubu.es.
  • Pedro Martín-Villamor RN, Ph.D. Professor UVa, España. email: yambo@enf.uva.es.




Problem-based learning; higher education institutions; students, nursing.


Objective. This study sought to evaluate improvement in self-directed learning by nursing students at Universidad de Valladolid (Spain) after using problem-based learning methodology. 

Methodology. Ours was a quasi-experimental research with pre-test and post-test of a single group. The sample consisted of 127 of a 135 total of students from the 2nd degree course in Nursing enrolled in the Sexual and Reproductive Health assignment and who had the opportunity to attend all problem-based learning tutorials in the classroom and student group meetings outside the classroom. The Self-Directed Profile Inquiry Questionnaire instrument (CIPA, for the term in Spanish) by Cazares and Aceves was used for the self-regulated profile assessment, which consists of 41 reactives with options 1-5; the lower the score the better the profile for self-direction. It has five components: planning and selection of strategies, self-regulation and motivation, independence and autonomy, use of experience and critical conscience and interdependence, and social value. 

Results. The mean age was 23 years, 84.4% were women. The students had a very good scores in their self-regulated learning profile before using problem-based learning (82.5), and after its application, they showed a statistically significant improvement (74.2) both in the overall score and in each of its components. 

Conclusion. The students' self-regulated profile improved after using problem-based learning, a finding that is of utmost importance to achieve autonomy and self-regulation in learning. The development of the ''learning to learn'' skill allows learning for life, which is necessary in 21st century nursing professionals.

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How to Cite

González-Hernando, C., Carbonero- Martín, M. Ángel, Lara-Ortega, F., & Martín-Villamor, P. (2013). “Learning to learn” in Nursing Higher Education. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 31(3). https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.17508

