Significance of clay art therapy for psychiatric patients admitted in a day hospital


  • Aquiléia Helena de Morais Teaching diploma Artistic Education - License in Plastic Arts, Specialist. Professor, Escola de Educação Básica João XXIII, Brazil. email:
  • Simone Roecker RN, M.Sc. Professor,Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Paraná- IFPR/Campus Londrina, Brazil. email:
  • Denise Albieri Jodas Salvagioni RN, M.Sc. Professor IFPR/Campus Londrina, Brazil. email:
  • Gabrielle Jacklin Eler Jacklin Eler RN, Ph.D. candidate. IFPR/Campus Londrina, Brazil. email:



Mental health; art therapy; clay; nursing; psychiatric hospitals.


Objective. To understand the significance of clay art therapy for psychiatric patients admitted in a day hospital.

Methodology. Qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research, undertaken with 16 patients in a day hospital in Londrina, in the state of Parana, Brazil, who participated in seven clay therapy sessions. Data collection took place from January to July 2012 through interviews guided by a semi structured questionnaire and the data were submitted to content analysis.

Results. Three themes emerged: Becoming familiar with clay art therapy; Feeling clay therapy; and Realizing the effect of clay therapy.

Conclusion. The use of clay as a therapeutic method by psychiatric patients promoted creativity, self-consciousness, and benefited those who sought anxiety relief. 

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How to Cite

de Morais, A. H., Roecker, S., Jodas Salvagioni, D. A., & Jacklin Eler, G. J. E. (2014). Significance of clay art therapy for psychiatric patients admitted in a day hospital. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 32(1).

