Nursing diagnoses and adaptation problems among chronic renal patients
Nursing, nursing care, nursing diagnosis, nursing theory, renal dialysis.Abstract
Objective. To identify similarities between NANDA International nursing diagnoses and Roy’s adaptation model among chronic renal patients undergoing hemodialysis.
Methodology. Cross-sectional and descriptive study with 178 individuals selected, through consecutive convenience sampling, in a dialysis center located in the Northeast of Brazil. The study was conducted between October 2011 and February 2012. Data collection instruments included an interview form and a physical assessment.
Results. Similarity was found between 20 nursing diagnoses and 22 adaptation problems. Roy’s adaptation modes that presented these relationships were: physiological, self-conception and role function.
Conclusion. There are similarities between the two typologies. Furthermore, the use of the nursing process from the perspective of a theory inherent to the field supports care delivery and strengthens scientific knowledge in the profession.
How to cite this article: Frazão CMFQ, Medeiros ABA, Paiva MGMN, Enders BC, Lopes MVO, Lira ALBC. Nursing diagnoses and adaptation problems among chronic renal patients. Invest Educ Enferm. 2015; 33(1):
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