Nursing diagnoses and adaptation problems among chronic renal patients


  • Cecília Maria Farias de Queiroz Frazão RN, Ph.D candidate. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. email:
  • Ana Beatriz de Almeida Medeiros RN, Ph.D candidate. UFRN. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. email:
  • Maria das Graças Mariano Nunes Paiva RN, Master’s student. UFRN. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. email:
  • Bertha Cruz Enders RN, Ph.D. UFRN. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. email:
  • Marcos Venícios Oliveira Lopes RN, Ph.D. Federal University of Ceará. Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. email:
  • Ana Luisa Brandão Carvalho Lira RN, Ph.D. UFRN. Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. email:



Nursing, nursing care, nursing diagnosis, nursing theory, renal dialysis.


Objective. To identify similarities between NANDA International nursing diagnoses and Roy’s adaptation model among chronic renal patients undergoing hemodialysis.

Methodology. Cross-sectional and descriptive study with 178 individuals selected, through consecutive convenience sampling, in a dialysis center located in the Northeast of Brazil. The study was conducted between October 2011 and February 2012. Data collection instruments included an interview form and a physical assessment.

Results. Similarity was found between 20 nursing diagnoses and 22 adaptation problems. Roy’s adaptation modes that presented these relationships were: physiological, self-conception and role function.

Conclusion. There are similarities between the two typologies. Furthermore, the use of the nursing process from the perspective of a theory inherent to the field supports care delivery and strengthens scientific knowledge in the profession.


How to cite this article: Frazão CMFQ, Medeiros ABA, Paiva MGMN, Enders BC, Lopes MVO, Lira ALBC. Nursing diagnoses and adaptation problems among chronic renal patients. Invest Educ Enferm. 2015; 33(1):

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How to Cite

Farias de Queiroz Frazão, C. M., de Almeida Medeiros, A. B., Paiva, M. das G. M. N., Enders, B. C., Oliveira Lopes, M. V., & Carvalho Lira, A. L. B. (2015). Nursing diagnoses and adaptation problems among chronic renal patients. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 33(1).




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