Chronic disease and sexuality


  • Gloria Mabel Carrillo Gonzalez RN, Master. Professor, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia. email:
  • Beatriz Sanchez Herrera RN, Master. Professor, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia. email:
  • Olivia Lorena Chaparro Díaz RN, Ph.D. Professor, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia. email:



Chronic disease; sexuality.


This study explored the level of production and contents of information available within the global context on the approach of sexuality in individuals with chronic disease (CD). The following main themes were identified: sexuality as a human right and fundamental part of health for individuals with CD, factors present in situations of CD that generate alterations in sexuality, and the models for assessment, measurement, and intervention of the phenomenon. Scientific production is scarce and limited on sexuality during CD, with the most part of said production from recent years.

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How to Cite

Carrillo Gonzalez, G. M., Sanchez Herrera, B., & Chaparro Díaz, O. L. (2013). Chronic disease and sexuality . Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 31(2).




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