Knowledge: disease process in patients undergoing hemodialysis
Renal insufficiency, chronic, renal dialysis, nursing process, knowledge, health education, standardized nursing terminology.Abstract
Objective. To identify the relationship between socioeconomic variables and nursing outcome indicators Knowledge: disease process.
Methods. This is a cross-sectional study involving 51 patients undergoing hemodialysis at a public nephrology hospital in a city in northeastern Brazil. A questionnaire covering sociodemographic information and the 15 nursing outcome indicators Knowledge: disease process.
Results. A statistically significant but weak correlation was found between age and the indicators Specific process of the disease (r=-0.28), Cause and contributing factors (r=-0.36), Signs and symptoms of the disease (r=0.30), Signs and symptoms of complications of the disease (r=-0.37), Precautions to prevent complications of the disease (r=-0.35); number of years of schooling and the indicators Specific process of the disease (r=0.29), Cause and contributing factors (r=0.28), and Signs and symptoms of the disease (r=0.34). There were significant and moderate correlations of age with the indicator Psychosocial effect of the disease in the individual (r=-0.41), in the family (r=-0.44) and benefits of disease control (r=-0.48). Sex was related only to the indicator Specific process of the disease (p=0.03).
Conclusion. There was no relationship between some indicators of the outcome Knowledge: disease process with the sociodemographic variables in patients undergoing hemodialysis, a fact that underscores the importance of implementing nursing interventions that take into account the particularities of the individuals.
How to cite this article: Ferreira JKA, Pessoa NRC, Pôrto NP, Santos LNM, Lira ALBC, Frazão CMFQ. Knowledge: disease process in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Invest. Educ. Enferm. 2018; 36(2):e04.
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